Tuesday 7 August 2012

3: Olympic Ria

So if you were to ask anybody that knows me they wouldn't exactly say that I'm the healthiest of beings. My typical lunch at work is either a a) Egg & bacon sandwich b) Cheese & onion sandwich or c) BLT accompanied with a chocolate bar and/or coke/water. I think it's safe to say, not exactly the most nutritious lunch for an eighteen year old.
         Since the Olympic Games this year have been held in my home country LONDON, I have been sucked into this whirlwind of athleticism and acrobatics, therefore turning me into a health freak. As I lay here in trackies and hoody, feeling like i'm about to have a heart attack after a serious session of Zumba, I feel that the past patriotic one and a half weeks have inspired to get active and get in shape.
         Now, when I say get in shape, I'm not for any minute saying that I'm obese with an eating disorder. I'm a curvy size 10 and I'm happy with that. I just want to tone the wobbly bits and eat a bit more healthier, incorporating some fruit and vegetables into my current bland diet.
         Therefore, over the next few weeks I will be updating my current progress and hopefully be able to look back mid-September and feel trimmer and healthier! So cheers to that bloggers, cheers with my tall glass of water ;)!


Wednesday 1 August 2012

2: Stylist Pick: Cheryl Cole Collection

So I was sitting watching This Morning and Abbey Clancy was doing her usual feature on women's fashion and lingerie. One of the models was wearing the 'Mojo' shoes from the Cheryl Cole collection at Stylist Pick when Abbey said that they were on sale. When they were first released I had a browse but being an 18 year old student who works at the Co-op, my part-time wage couldn't really cover paying £80+ for a pair of shoes. So you can imagine my delight when I heard of this sale, I rushed onto the website and found a handful of pairs for as little as £25 and just had to get a pair!

I chose the 'Your Royal Hotness' in rouge, for £25 (reduced from £79.90). My only downside of this purchase was how slow the site responded and at one point was going to charge me double for them after a mess up on the website. However, the next-day delivery was perfect and they turned up early this morning in a huge brown box. I was beyond myself with excitement! I ripped off the tape and opened it to see the prettiest packaging i have ever seen. (see picture)

I instantly loved and spent the next half hour tottering around my house in them before I finally decided that I should take them off and give my feet a rest.
I strongly recommend that any girl with a love of shoes checks out the Stylistpick sale while it's still on as stocks are running out fast.

Thanks stylistpick,

1: and so we begin..

Hello there, I'm ria. I am 18 years old and from the wonderful world of Essex. I say wonderful lightly, as you can see from the photograph it's not exactly the sunniest or from the infamous programme 'TOWIE', we don't exactly have the best reputation regarding brains and class. Cue the hatttters. Don't get me wrong, I love where I'm from, it's my home, and no matter whether the whole world thinks we're dumb bimbos who sleep around or they think we're the new Einstein, I'll always regard this place as where I belong.
         Recently, I've started to feel quite nostalgic about this place. You see, I'm due to go to University this September, leaving behind my friends, family, boyfriend and Essex. Anyway, this isn't a sad blog, it's just a place where I'm going to voice opinions, write about things that inspire me and hopefully have something nice to look back on in days/months/years to come.
